Selecting A Significator

Select a card to represent yourself, another person, or, a matter about which inquiry is to be made. This card is called the Significator.

Should you wish to find something out about yourself, take a card that fits your personal description. 

A King should be chosen for a man of forty or older, a Knight for any male under that age, a Queen for a woman who is over forty, and a Page for any female who is younger. The four Court Cards (the King, Queen, Knight and Page) in Wands represent very fair people, with blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. The Court Cards in Cups signify people with light or dull fair hair and grey or blue eyes. Those in Swords stand for people having hazel or grey eyes, dark brown hair and dull complexion. Lastly, the Court Cards in Pentacles are for persons with very dark brown or black hair, dark eyes and dark complexions. Note, the foregoing suggestions are not written in stone.

If the inquiry is about a matter, a Trump or small card should be selected which has a meaning corresponding to that matter. If your question is whether a lawsuit is necessary, take Trump Card No. 11 (Justice), as the Significator. However, if the question regards your success in a lawsuit, choose a Court Card to represent yourself.

See The Illustrated Key to the Tarot, Section 7, An Ancient Celtic Method of Divination, published Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (1918).

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